Thursday, March 20, 2008

cement flowers

When we purchased our house it had been neglected for over 40 years.  It feels very satisfying to create new gardens from what were just dirt patches four years ago.  
Above are lavender and wormwood.  Below are some bulbs that seem to pop out from the cracks in the driveway every spring.  If you know what type of flower they are let me know.


Anonymous said...

mmmm wormwood...making any absinthe? I used to work for a courier co. in boston, and one of my dispatchers was part of an absinthe collective. Apparently that's what absinthe comes from...
PS: your work is gorgeous, I love anybody who knows that shit (duck or otherwise) is fertilizer, not...well, shit!

rachelmira said...

i'm not making absinthe, but i am making absinthe grilles!! they'll be out very soon...